Friday, August 22, 2008

Howto: Use OS-X-fonts in Mint

I find the fonts in Os-X to be very pretty. =) And all props to Apple, since they give out their fonts for free!!

Step 1: Get the fonts.

Apple is so nice when it comes to fonts.

Freeware Mac-fonts!

Step 2: Extract and add to /fonts/.

Extract the file onto your desktop or some other place.
Navigate into the fonts-folder you extracted with terminal.
Code: Select all
cd Desktop/Fonts

Make 2 dir's in the /usr/share/fonts-folders
Code: Select all
sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-os-x
sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/type1/os-x

I make 2 dir's, because the fonts comes in two filetypes. .ttf and .pfb. I just like to sort them, I don't think it really matters. :3

Code: Select all
sudo cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-os-x
sudo cp *.TTF /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-os-x
sudo cp *.PFB /usr/share/fonts/type1/os-x

Now, log out and log inn or restart X for the changes to take effect.

Find the font-configuration-menu. You can use terminal;
Code: Select all

If you use terminal, do not use sudo.

Os-x uses Lucida MAC size 9/10 by default. Set this onto Application font, Document font, Desktop font, Window title font, but not Fixed width font, unless you want your terminal to look messed up.

Press the 'Details'-button in the lower right corner.
Choose Grayscale-smoothing, and for hinting, I use none. You could probably find something that suits you.

Screenshot of my mint-desktop with mac-fonts:

Ah, seems like I'm getting married this year! :D

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